Friday, January 7, 2011

Behind Every Evangelist Are A Team of Humble Servants

In Remembrance of a Humble Servant of God:

I flunked the Southeastern Bible College English Language entry exam and was required to take remedial English (Dummy English) with a certain English professor named, Gary Greene. I couldn't tell you the difference between a subject, verb or direct object if my life depended on it. However, Dr. Greene, took me under his calm, kind and humble wing and taught me how the English Language worked, and how it is described and defined in such a simple, yet clear way.

By the end of this remedial course, I had a solid working-knowledge of the basic grammar of English. My time with Dr. Greene in "Dummy English" was a real pivotal-moment in my academic life...a true turning point! God used Dr. Greene's gift of teaching to open my eyes to my love for language, and my desire to begin learning how languages work. Dr. Greene's teaching prowess enlightened me and empowered me to begin reaching my full linguistic potential over the years that would follow. Using this knowledge that Gary taught me, God enabled me to make straight A's in NT Greek, the honor society in OT Hebrew, graduate studies in Linguistics, then learn the French, Chad Arabic and Fulani languages in order to evangelize the nomads of Africa.

Thank you, Dr. Greene, for being so instrumental in helping me preach Christ to the nations by taking me from being a "Dummy in English" to being a "Linguist for Christ" to the nations. God truly used you in a significant way to help many lost souls hear the gospel in their language. (I am so glad that I shared this with you several years ago before you passed away.) Well done, good and faithful servant!

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