From John Johnstone's book, Christian Excellence:
"Unfortunately, many Christians, including Pastors and other leaders, seek for success rather than excellence. But success focuses on the external rather than the internal, on the temporal rather than the eternal, and is measured by human standards rather than by divine. Desire for success comes from pride, whereas genuine desire for excellence comes from humility.
Success and excellence are competing ideals, and everything a believer does, whether consciously or not, is devoted to one of those ideals or the other. It is not that excellence in a believer precludes every form of outward success but that any success that comes from the pursuit of excellence is incidental. Success is not to be sought or to be glorified in if it is achieved.
Success is attaining cultural goals that elevate one's importance in the eyes of society and generally is marked by power, prestige, wealth, and privilege. Excellence, on the other hand, is the pursuit of the highest quality in one's work and effort, whether others recognize and approve it or not. Success is measured in relation to others, whereas excellence is measured by one's own God-given potential and calling. Success seeks to please men; excellence seeks to please God. Success rewards only a few, whereas excellence is available to any believer who is willing to pay the price. Success pertains to possessions and reputation, whereas excellence pertains to character. Success can be cheap, attained by shortcuts, lying, and stealing. The price of excellence is never discounted, never available for anything less than full price."
Therefore, my Fellow Evangelists, let's be very careful to flee from the lust for results and "success". Let's pursue excellence in sowing the precious gospel seed faithfully and watch the Lord give the increase in due season.
Therefore, my Fellow Evangelists, let's be very careful to flee from the lust for results and "success". Let's pursue excellence in sowing the precious gospel seed faithfully and watch the Lord give the increase in due season.
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