Thursday, January 6, 2011

An Invitation to Join a Brotherhood of Evangelists!

Do you know Jesus Christ personally?  Are you solidly connected to His body, the church?  Has God called you to serve Him as an Evangelist?  Do you have a passion to evangelize?  Are you called to evangelize in the Mountain West of the United States of America?  If the answer to all of these questions is "yes", then this blog is specifically designed for you!  

Hi.  My name is Rob Brannon.  I am an evangelist with Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW).  My family and I live in the  Bryce Canyon region of Utah.  Since 1988, God has given me the privilege of serving Him as an Evangelist in the USA, Canada, North Africa (10 years among the nomads), and within the Middle East.  Since 2005, my family and I have focused on evangelism and church planting in the state of Utah.  We planted Rocky Mountain Bible Church of Brigham City, Utah in 2005, and in September of 2010, we moved to the multinational melting pot of Bryce Canyon to start an outreach here.  As a missionary-linguist overseas, I learned to preach the gospel in French, Chad Arabic and Fulani.  There is nothing I enjoy more in ministry than communicating the gospel message to the nations in languages that they understand.  We have lived and served among numerous religious groups over the past 20 plus years of evangelistic ministry: the Catholics, the Muslims, the Jews, and now the Mormons (a religion to which I used to passionately belong as a young man).  It has been a joy to befriend so many individuals and families within these religious groups.  I love and respect everyone of them.  The are my friends no matter what they believe, and I genuinely like them and love them.  All this being said, God has entrusted to me (and to you) the TRUTH of the gospel.  This does not make me swell with pride, but rather bow my knee in humility to the One True God through Jesus Christ who reached into my confusion and saved me and enlightened me with the truth of the gospel message.  Therefore, my call, as an Evangelist, is to be the best and highest friend that a sinner can have:  a friend who tells them the truth. 

My Beloved Fellow Evangelist, you are not alone in your call to preach the gospel.  No matter how isolated your mission field may be;  no matter how small your town or church may be, you are not alone.  God's Spirit fills you, and Jesus Christ is always with you as He promised in Matthew 28:20, "and lo, I am with you always" (this is in the context of going to evangelize!).  And furthermore, God provides fellowship and brotherhood to His servants.  In the days ahead as you follow this blog, I want to share with you biblical principles that have been tried and true in our lives and the lives of others.  Even in the isolation of living 6 years in the bush of North Africa evangelizing nomads, God provided consistent fellowship and brotherhood with other passionate evangelists and believers who evangelize.  Just the other night here in Utah's isolated "outback", I was blessed to spend over 2 hours doing tag-team evangelism in the area with a fellow servant of Christ who is passionate about evangelism.  God provides fellowship and encouragement.  

One "occupational hazard" of being an evangelist is that quite often, by default, you are called to new pioneer locations where the gospel is not well established and where the church is small or even non-existent.  Evangelists are often on the move and called to change locations according to God's will.   It is never easy to uproot and move, but it is always exciting for the evangelist to sow the seed in the virgin soil of new frontiers.  If you are an evangelist, you need no further explanation.  You understand the passion and the call.  You also understand the challenges and difficulties.  That is why I started this blog, to provide some much needed encouragement, understanding, theological depth and fellowship into our circle of ministry.

I hope that you will bookmark this blog and check in periodically.  I want this to be interactive, so please feel free to comment on the entries, ask questions and propose topics and articles that you would like to see addressed, or that you want to share.  God speed, my brother!

Your fellow evangelist,

Rob Brannon
Biblical Ministries Worldwide - Utah      

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